we heart apps


It's World Heart Day on September 29 so if you're facing 
cardiovascular issue, these apps can 
come in handy when it comes to maintaining heart health.
of course, none of them can be substituted 
for actual medical diagnoses
so exercise discretion
and see a doc 
when you

INSTANT HEART RATE                                                 FIRST AID BY AMERICAN RED CROSS 

First off no need for accessories or                                             In time of emergency you need help
external gizmos.All you need                                                         and                                                   to do is place your fingertip                                                            and now, The American red cross
 onthe lens of your phone                                                                  understands this perfectly hence an
 camera and the app will                                                                  app that puts expert advice for daily
accurately read your                                                                               Er situation in the palm of your
heart rate for you.                                                                                      hand . Step by step instruction
You can use it to                                                                                          videos introspective quizzes
track the progress                                                                                       its all there and pro loaded so
of your fitness                                                                                                you can  access it offine
routines and                                                                                                               Bunus it covers all
a real time                                                                                                                    kinds of emergen-
chart show you                                                                                                               cies and not just
the rhythm of                                                                                                              deart related   ones
every beat


While this one also offers to measure your heart rate (using the same
technology) the added benefit of guiding you through
the famous high intensity 7- minute workout
you can estimate the number of calories
burned by simply measuring 
your heart rate after
a workout 
but you need to pay for the PRO version to access this. 



keep tabs on your BP with this app that lets you collect track
analyse and share your blood pressure record 
you have the option to set a record your
BP as well as create multiple 
accounts to manage the
 records of 