Honeywell unveils internet of things analytics platform


The Conformance Suit adds analytics capabilities for data capture and visualisation prediction 

PRODUCT: Honeywell process Solution (HPS) has announced the launch of Conformance 

Suite a new fully integrated system of process software   platform. The  system enables users to

 convert plant data into actionable information for use in  smart  operation. 

A number of features of the conformance suite includes the collection and storage of data for future analysis detection and prediction  capabilities as well as support for  lot cloud big data and enterprise analytics.

"The Uniformance suite is Honeywell's analytics platform for digital intelligence and a big parts of  our industrial internet of things strategy commented ali Raza vice president of HPS Advanced solution business.

"The software suite provides powerful data analytics capabilities to enable customers to capture the data they need visualize trends collaborate with other users predict and prevent equipment failures and act to make informed business decision he added.

Honeywell offering also come equipped Uniformance   insight an addition that allows customers to visually process conditions and investigate events via web process.

Utilising thin client software uniformance insight ad-hoc analysis capability enables customers to identify issues quickly.

 "Uniformance insight's thin client capability means i can have more team members use this tool without having to install any special software on their computer"  explains Heath case process control engineer and uniformance PHD  Administrator for Du pond protection solution.

"Because I don't have to go to each user's PC to roll out these changes it translates into cost and time saving".