regional transportation authority

RTA investigates smart transport system projects

A delegation from Dubai Road and Transport Authority RTA 

has visited Amsterdam in the Netherlands and Stuttgart  in 

Germany to explore and share knowledge about smart future 

transport system . As part of the trip the team from the RTA 

were familiarise with the experience gained by both cities with 

the implantation smart transport technologies particularly in 

smart mobility and autonomous driving.

The trip was part of the RTA smart mobility strategy  focused 

on converting 25% of total mobility journeys in Dubai into self 

driving experiences by 2030 Adel Shakri, Director of 

Transport station Systems, RTA said: During the visit to 

Amsterdam, the delegation was acqainted with the self driving 

 future bus fitted with sensors enabling automated speed 

control matching the approved road  speed. The  speed is 

automatically adjusted according to the approved speed limits 

observed in the shuttle routes,

The delegation also reviewed the experience of car 2go a car 

sharing  company launched by Daimler and headquartered in 

Stuttgart car2go is the largest car sharing company world wide 

with over one million members which offers one way point to 

point car rentals on a minute hourly or daily basis with car that 
can be accessed vai smartphone app without a physical rental office.
The delegation was also familiarised with Stuttgart's solution 

for smart transport access which enable users to pay for many 

different transport services from a single integrated card which 
has useful lessons to the RTA own project of creating to the 

TRA own project of creating on integrated platform for 

transport access through a single app.